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A Super Food!
Granola is a food made of nuts, oat flakes mixed with honey and other natural ingredients. It was created by the American physician James Caleb Jackson in 1863 . The mixture is baked until it is crispy. During the baking process, the mixture is stirred to maintain the loose consistency typical of breakfast cereals. Sometimes dried fruits are added, especially raisins or dates, and sometimes pieces of other fruits such as bananas are also added. The abundant health benefits of granola are attributed to the long list of vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients it contains. MULTIFOODS Granola is handmade and has been conceived to be a breakfast or snack rich in vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and fiber. Among its components it has 10 ingredients that are considered SUPERFOODS, which make it unique in its class. Ingredients: Whole Oat Flakes (Whole Wheat), Almonds, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Wheat Bran, Chia Seeds, Pecans, Turmeric, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Natural Honey, Cinnamon, Cream Sugar, Virgin Coconut Oil, Dehydrated Blueberries, Dehydrated Cherries.
- Whole Oatmeal: Oatmeal is recommended by many as an excellent breakfast because of the amount of nutrients it provides and its fibers give us the feeling of satiety for several hours, thus helping us not to have anxiety about eating.
It is a natural diuretic that helps us to regulate intestinal transit. Some studies reveal that it is a source of help to keep cholesterol at bay, due to its fiber and essential amino acid content.
- Californian Almonds: Rich in protein, healthy fats and Carbohydrates, their consumption is related to good cardiovascular health.
They are also a good source of vitamin E and B vitamins. In terms of minerals, the most prominent of those provided is calcium. They are one of the main sources of calcium available in nature.
- Virgin Coconut Oil: Populations that frequently consume coconut oil have been found to be among the healthiest on the planet.
Coconut oil contributes to the acceleration of metabolism, helping you to reduce body fat. Some studies reveal that coconut oil helps brain function, cardiovascular health, promotes the health of the immune system, promotes the proper functioning of the thyroid glands, among other benefits.
- Turmeric: Is a potent natural Anti Inflammatory, dramatically increases the body’s antioxidant capacity, increases brain derived neurotrophic factor, linked to improved brain function and lower risk of brain disease, helps reduce the risk of heart disease, Improving the function of the endothelium, which is the lining of blood vessels. There are studies that reveal anti-cancer properties, turmeric may be useful in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s, people with arthritis have responded very well to supplementation with turmeric, provides benefits against depression, is an ally for stomach problems and avoid flatulence, helps maintain a healthy liver, strengthens the immune system, potent antioxidant. A study showed that it is as beneficial as exercise for the cardiovascular system.
- Natural Bee Honey: Bee honey is a prebiotic food, which contains its own oligosaccharides that increase the population of bacterial flora naturally, improving digestive and immune system health. It helps to keep you away from infections due to its antiseptic properties. Natural honey produces glycogen in the liver, which is the energy reserve needed by the brain for its normal functioning. We will have enough glycogen reserves if we consume honey, it improves brain function.
- Pecans: surprisingly high in healthy fatty acids, which means they are ideal nuts for lowering high cholesterol and triglycerides. Its high fiber content makes it a useful nut in the prevention of constipation, while helping in the care and protection of our cardiovascular system.
- Wheat Bran: From a nutritional point of view, wheat bran is especially rich in potassium, a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure while maintaining good blood circulation. It is also rich in iron (hence it is a recommended food in case of anemia due to lack of iron), being in turn recommended for people who practice sports intensely. It is also especially rich in B vitamins, which help the brain to function properly and are also ideal for maintaining a good mood.
- Peeled pumpkin seeds: A quarter cup of pumpkin seeds contains almost half of the recommended daily amount of magnesium, which is involved in a wide range of vitally important physiological functions,
Other benefits include: Zinc for Immune Support, Plant-Based Omega-3 Fats, Prostate Health, Heart and Liver Health, Tryptophan for Restorative Sleep, Anti-Inflammatory Benefits
- Chia Seed: They are one of the oldest nutritional sources, documented to have been eaten by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans as early as 3500 BC.
Benefits include Rich in Antioxidants, Chia Seeds are typically Non-GMO and Organically Grown, Chia Seeds are Suitable for a Low-Carbohydrate Diet, Good for the Digestive System, Chia Seeds are a Great Source of Vegetable Protein, Useful for Weight Loss, Chia Seeds Support Healthy Bones, Help Detoxify the Body, Chia Seeds are a Great Source of Vegetable Protein, Useful in Helping Us Lose Weight, Chia Seeds Support Healthy Bones, Help Detoxify the Body, Chia Seeds are a Great Source of Vegetable Protein, Useful for Weight Loss, Chia Seeds Support Healthy Bones, Help Detoxify the Body, Are a Natural Beauty Food, Help Protect Your Heart.
- Sunflower Seed: Raw sunflower seeds contain 76 percent of the recommended daily allowance of Vitamin E.
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